-by Scoop
October 12, 2012 ? Maybe I?m having a senior?s moment but going back to the 1960 Nixon-Kennedy debate and election cycle I do not recall ever witnessing so many ?forces? trying their damndest to scare the bejesus out of voters by asserting total pandemonium will be the end result if a particular candidate wins the 2012 Presidential election in the United States of America.
It is bad enough that there is at least one cable TV news network and some radio ?entertainers? in the United States seemingly dedicated, IMO, to spewing out lies, half truths and misinformation 24/7 about a Presidential nominee; and now, not to be left behind, we have one of our very own timeshare magnates tossing in his ?two-cents? worth as well.
So here?s the scoop. I am referring to Mr. David Siegel of the Westgate Resorts (CFI) empire who single handedly and all by his lonesome self, after decades of sacrifices and living ?without? built his company from the ground up to where he and his family, finally, no longer had to live a lifestyle unbecoming of his pleasure.
I actually had another ?piece? ready to run this week and wasn?t going to write about Mr. Siegel even after I had read, IMO, his abysmal October 8th 2012 e-mail to ?All My Valued Employees? that was posted all over the Internet and being discussed across countless blogs.
That was, however, until I turned on the TV and started watching CNN, MSNBC & FOX the other morning and listened to some ?talking heads? discussing Mr. Siegel, Westgate Resorts, etc. and a few of the orators (in a sophomoric manner) were making ?light? of the issue about any ?boss? with thousands of employees who may be influencing the staff?s vote in an election.
Then I recalled how Mr. Siegel once boasted that it was ?his? efforts that ultimately gave America the previous administration. And when I considered the absolute economic mayhem, turmoil and utter ruin those leaders left the people of this nation (and much of the world) and that now Dave is at his old election antics once again, I could not remain silent.
When I put aside the other ?piece? I had in the works and started pondering what I wanted to say in response to Dave?s employee e-mail and while conducting some additional research I was somewhat bewildered to discover that it appears there is no explicit U.S. Constitutional right for Americans to vote as there is, for example, their right to free speech.
It seems however there are other provisions and phrases, etc. that many constitutional scholars suggest indicates such a right exists in the U.S. Constitution and for the purpose of this week?s rant, I?ll go with that ? that there is a right, expressed and/or implied, for Americans to vote!
For the record, Mr. Siegel, with a chunk of envy I have always admired your achievements and respected your work ethic. But do you really believe your employees are so stupid, ignorant, uninformed or out of touch with facts & reality to actually believe the rhetoric spewed out in your October 8th 2012 e-mail to them titled: ?Message from David Siegel??
And even if some are believers, as a ?boss? how dare you inject & interfere (again) with your employees? voting choices/options/decisions with what CNN described, and I agree, might be a tactic that could be construed as potentially threatening and/or intimidating to those employees.
Obviously, Dave, under the ?First Amendment? of the U.S. Constitution you do have the ?right? to communicate your ideas, opinions and beliefs, etc. and I, as most Americans, would defend that right for all people. In fact I have done just that, voluntarily putting myself in harm?s way in the jungles of Vietnam and Cambodia.
But shame on you David for doing so while holding the power of the pen that meets the paycheck over some employees who are or may be easily frightened and/or just want to please the ?boss? with hopes of keeping their jobs and/or are interested in ??promotions and better salaries??.
And by the way, Dave, as for your opinion that ?Unfortunately, the costs of running a business have gotten out of control?? and that any increase in costs may force you to ?downsize?. I partially agree with you yet do remind you that the chronological evidence indicates that has been the way of commerce since the dawn of time. But rest assured, ?I Feel Your Pain?!
A couple suggestions however might ease your discomfort, Dave, like marketing to a higher caliber sales guest, increasing your VPG?s, stop the ?timely payments? policy, etc. and hire more professional marketing and sales reps. Those changes alone should ease the aches somewhat.
That aside, amigo, as far as I?m concerned voting is a sacred right, duty, responsibility and obligation. And in case you forgot, beginning with the founding of our nation and up to & including this very day & in far off lands our military personnel have defended that right (among other rights) and not only for ?Americans? but for other citizens of the ?world? as well.
As an example of how important voting is to most people, Dave, you?ll recall the ?blue fingers? and long lines during the elections in Iraq? For that vote (election) to happen it took about 1 Trillion U.S. tax dollars (yet to be paid for) and close to 5,000 U.S. Military personnel KIA (Killed In Action) and another 34,000 gravely WIA (Wounded In Action) brave U.S. troops
And I would be remiss if I didn?t point out that among those citizen-soldiers were Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, and Independents, etc. And of course now there is a very high percentage of decorated combat veterans who?ve since become civilians again and are dealing with other real-world issues related to the reality of having served in combat.
But now that I, too, have expressed my personal opinion under my constitutional right to free expression, etc. let me extend an olive branch, Dave, to help you through your troubling times in case things don?t go your way with the pending election.
Should, as you obviously fear, President Obama be reelected, and since you seem to have an attraction towards a tropical environment, I do know of one particular location offering a ?Caribbean? like setting where, as you expressed, you can sit on the beach and be all cozy and comfy ?under a palm tree, retired?.
So if President Obama is reelected by ?We The People? then feel free to touch base with me and I?ll hook you up with the local ?Ruler? (some call him a ?King? while others call him a ?Dictator?) there who runs the whole Shebang and he?ll surely help you get all settled in to your new life.
He?s a nice enough guy if you don?t cross him, Dave, but you might want to keep your opinions to yourself. Seems there are rumors he?ll cut out the tongues of anyone for just speaking ?ill? of his leadership/governing ways, etc. so you?ll wanna just ?get along? and do as he wishes and/or commands whether expressed or implied.
Of course I should also let you know that you?ll never be allowed to vote in the local elections there and determine your own destiny and that is also true, sadly, even if you apply for (and are accepted for) citizenship.
Seems they have some quirky laws about white people, women and all non-property owners not being allowed to vote.
You know, sort of like it was not that long ago in the United States of America!
But what the heck, at least you won?t have those dreaded, burdensome ?employees to worry about? any longer and if you need help unloading CFI before you relocate Dave just keep me in the loop as I know a couple ?entities? who just might be interested in buying you out!
To send tips, comments, suggestions, agree and/or disagreements etc. email Scoop: scoop@insidethegate.com
Contributing sometimes extravagant, bombastic, emotional, pompous or even pretentious writings about the timeshare industry, Scoop covers an array of industry related subjects each week including inside information, tips, scandals, interviews, forecasts as well as new (good or bad) products and services--- and, of course, all the 'Good', the 'Bad' and the 'Ugly'.
Stay tuned for what is sure to be a fun ride and check back to Timeshare Scoop du Jour each week for more of the inside scoop.
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Source: http://www.insidethegate.com/2012/10/obamascare/
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